
Department of Excellence Facilities

The investment in infrastructure will be allocated to the creation of two new laboratories, each divided into two areas: one dedicated to research and the other reserved for advanced training activities.

The research laboratories will be organized as open spaces, divided into thematic workstations. Each workstation will be equipped with low-voltage workstations, both on benches and desks. Additionally, there will be a shared open area free of obstructions to allow practical testing with physical components, such as wearable sensors, social robots, exoskeletons, and more.

The laboratories for advanced training activities will be hosted in two spaces of approximately 100 square meters each, already available at DIEM, which will be updated and re-equipped with advanced technologies. The classrooms will be fitted with electrified stations for connecting PCs and other low-voltage devices, effectively supporting the training activities.

Embedded Systems Laboratory for Digital Medicine

The laboratory will be dedicated to research in the field of Embedded Systems for Digital Medicine, focusing on the development of:

  • Algorithms for real-time processing and analysis of data from intelligent sensors, designed to execute directly on embedded systems.
  • Applications based on innovative sensors, including epidermal electronic devices and biosensors.
  • Solutions for continuous clinical monitoring using data acquired from wearable sensors in various contexts (e.g., post-operative functional recovery, assistance to elderly and chronically ill patients).
  • Applications for monitoring and preventing neuromuscular and skeletal system disorders.

The research laboratory, located in a space of approximately 250 square meters on the Fisciano campus, will be equipped with the hardware and software resources necessary for designing, implementing, and testing embedded systems, as well as advanced tools for gait analysis. These tools will be capable of detecting joint kinetics and muscle electrical activity, providing valuable data for clinical studies and applications.

Artificial Intelligence Laboratory for Digital Medicine

The laboratory will be dedicated to research on Artificial Intelligence applied to Digital Medicine, focusing on the development of:

  • Systems for continuous and personalized assistance based on control techniques integrated with AI methods (operating on heterogeneous data from haptic interfaces and artificial vision systems) and on cognitive robotics techniques (to facilitate simple and natural social interaction with patients).
  • Deep Learning techniques for medical imaging diagnostics.
  • AI algorithms for the analysis of omics data, including both single-type and multi-omics approaches.

The research laboratory, located within a new space of approximately 400 square meters, will be equipped with exoskeletons for upper and lower limbs, fitted with sensors and computational resources based on GPUs. These resources will support the development and testing of Deep Learning algorithms.